No need to go far away from Dushanbe to get yourself a nice hiking experience. Also closer to the city, there are several beautiful day hikes around. These short hiking trips are an ideal alternative if you do not have time (or energy) to do a long multi-day trek and still want to experience some of the amazing nature Tajikistan has to offer. Dushanbe is located right at the foothills of the mountains, so within no time, you can reach beautiful trails through impressive landscapes. Below are some nice options for a quick hiking getaway.
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A leisurely hike close to Dushanbe. The hike starts in the village of Varzob and then goes up through the valley of the Ojuk River. The last part is through a narrow gorge with perpendicular rock walls on either side. Moving a way through the gorge, the trail finally ends at a waterfall. Most of the hike is easy and non-technical. Only the last few hundred meters through the gorge are more difficult, as you have to jump several times from rock to rock across a small streamlet.
From €29 $29 / person
The Leilakul Hike offers a full day of hiking through the stunning Ziddi Valley. Highlight of this tough yet beautiful trip are the Leilakul Lakes situated at an altitude of 3400 meters. The first part of the hike goes up through the Ziddi valley. We pass the Khoja Sanghok shrine – a spring of mineral water – until finally reaching the Leilakul Lakes. After visiting the lakes, the trail mostly heads down along the river with countless nice viewpoints along the way.
From €50 $50 / person
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